Autism in Women, Girls and Non-Binary People

Trauma, Autistic Burnout and Late Autism Diagnosis: How I Can Help

An area of my work that I am particularly experienced in and passionate about, is helping late-diagnosed autistic women and newly-diagnosed autistic girls and non-binary people to come to terms with and feel empowered by their autism diagnosis (be it self-diagnosis or through a recognised medical establishment – both are equally valid).

Often, a lifetime of masking (adopting the behaviours of neurotypical people in order to survive) leads to profound trauma. If left untreated, this trauma can be held for many years in the body, and expressed in either unexplained physical symptoms, or emotionally overwhelming reactions to triggers, which are frequently misdiagnosed as an assortment of mental health conditions.

This trauma, in addition to confusion about our identity, and low self-esteem due to being regularly misunderstood, can ultimately lead to autistic burnout: a hugely debilitating and life-changing event that takes a significant amount of care, time and patience to recover from.

And this is where safe, gentle, trauma-informed homeopathic consultations with me, and carefully chosen homeopathic remedies over a period of time, can be profoundly healing and affirming for those of you coming to terms with your autism diagnosis. And I will always leave a little space in the consultation if you would like to share your special interests – the pictures above show a few of mine ^_^.



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